
College of nuclear equipment and nuclear engineering

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    姓名   李杨     
  • 学历学位:博士    专业技术职务:教授   岗位:核装备系主任

  • 电子邮箱:liyang@ytu.edu.cn;metalytu@163.com

  • 通讯地址:山东省烟台市莱山区清泉路30号 jbo竟博官网


   李杨,博士,教授,核装备系主任,硕士生导师,国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家,教育部学位中心评估监测专家。研究方向等离子体化学热处理、表面涂层/薄膜制备、摩擦学、腐蚀防护等领域。主持2项国家自然科学基金项目、中国博士后基金面上一等资助和山东省自然科学基金等,参与973项目《大型飞机电液动力控制与作动系统新体系基础研究》、山东省“一事一议”顶尖人才等10多项国家和省部级课题的研究。在《Tribology International》、《Surface and Coatings Technology》、《Applied Surface Science》、《Materials & Design》、《Ceramics International》等学术期刊上发表论文60余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文30多篇。担任《Advanced materials》、《Tribology International》、《Surface and Coatings Technology》等学术期刊的审稿人,已授权发明专利11项。

   Dr. Yang Li is a professor and director of Yantai university's Department of Nuclear Equipment. He is the supervisor of the master's degree, the correspondence reviewer of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the correspondence reviewer of the Degree Center of the Ministry of Education. Dr. Yang's research interests are in the areas of ion chemical heat treatment of materials, surface coating/film preparation, tribology, and corrosion protection. He has hosted two National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) projects, received first-class funding from China Postdoctoral Fund and funding from Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation etc. Dr. Yang has been involved in more than 10 national and provincial level projects, such as the 973 project "Fundamental Research on New System of Electro-hydraulic Power Control and Actuation System for Large Aircraft" and Shandong Province's "One Project One Discussion" Top Talents. He has published over 60 papers in academic journals such as Tribology International, Surface and Coating Technology, Applied Surface Science, Materials & Design, and Ceramics International, among which more than 30 SCI papers are the first or corresponding authors. Dr. Yang has also reviewed academic journals such as Advanced Materials, Tribology International, and Surface and Coating Technology. In addition, he has been granted 11 patents.


2023/01 - 至今,jbo竞博·电竞,教授,系主任。
2018/07 – 2022/12,jbo竞博·电竞,副教授,实验室主任。
2014/11- 2017/01,清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室,博士后。
2014/10 - 2018/07,jbo竟博官网环境与材料工程学院,副教授。
2012/07 - 2014/10,jbo竟博官网环境与材料工程学院,讲师。

1.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 金属氮化物纳米复合层的强韧化设计与摩擦学行为研究。

1)Y. Li*, Z. Wang, M. Shao, Y. He, J.X. Qiu, Characterization and electrochemical behavior of a multilayer-structured Ti–N layer produced by plasma nitriding of electron beam melting TC4 alloy in Hank's solution, Vacuum 208 (2023) 111737.
2)Z. Zhang, Z. Wang, M. Shao, J. Yan, Y. He, Y. Li*, Simulation of hollow-cathode-nitriding plasma and design of diffusion equipment with DC and RF dual discharge, Physica Scripta 98(2) (2023) 025610.
3)L. Zhang, M. Shao, Z. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. He, Y. Li*, Comparison of tribological properties of nitrided Ti-N modified layer and deposited TiN coatings on TA2 pure titanium, Tribology International 174 (2022) 107712.
4)Y. Li*, Z.W. Wang, Z.H. Zhang, M.H. Shao, J.P. Lu, J.W. Yan, L. Zhang, Y.Y. He, Microstructure and tribological properties of multilayered ZrCrW(C)N coatings fabricated by cathodic vacuum-arc deposition, Ceramics International 48(24) (2022) 36655-36669.
5)M.H. Shao, Z.W. Wang, Y. Li*, Y.Y. He, Effect of electric potentials on high-temperature plasma nitriding of 2Cr13 stainless steel with active screen assisted, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 53(2) (2022) 156-166.
6)Z.W. Wang, Y. Li*, Z.H. Zhang, S.Z. Zhang, P. Ren, J.X. Qiu, W.W. Wang, Y.J. Bi, Y.Y. He, Friction and wear behavior of duplex-treated AISI 316L steels by rapid plasma nitriding and (CrWAlTiSi)N ceramic coating, Results in Physics 24 (2021) 104132.
7)Y. Li*, Y. Bi, M. Zhang, S. Zhang, X. Gao, Z. Zhang, Y. He, Hollow cathodic plasma source nitriding of AISI 4140 steel, Surface Engineering 37(3) (2021) 351-359.
8)F.S. Zhao, Z.H. Zhang, Y. Li*, H.H. Li, X.G. Xu, Y.Y. He, Mechanical and Wear Properties of 42CrMo Steel by Plasma Nitriding assisted Hollow Cathode Ion Source, Materials Research 24(4) (2021) 10137.
9)Q.W.Ye, Y.Li*, M.Y.Zhang, Zhang, et al. Electrochemical behavior of (Cr, W, Al, Ti, Si)N multilayer coating on nitrided AISI 316L steel in natural seawater. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(14):22404-22418.
10)MinyiZhang,JinhuaChen,YangLi*,GuangyanChen,YongyongHe*,JianbinLuo, Study on microstructural and tribological properties of sulphonitrocarburized layers diffused by hollow cathode discharging, Vacuum, 174(2020) 109188.
11)Xiaochun He, Yang Li, Yongjie Bi, Xiaomei Liu, Finite element analysis of temperature and residual stress profiles of porous cubic Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy by electron beam melting, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 44(2020) 191-200.
12)Z.J.Shao, Y.Li, B.Zhou, X.C.He, S.Z.Zhang. Effect of phase transition caused by different treatment process on mechanical properties of powder metallurgy Ti-22Al-24Nb-0.5Mo (at.%) alloys, Materials Characterization 159 (2020) 110022.
13)Yang Li, Luo Jianbin, Zhang Shangzhou*, Jianxun Qiu, Yongyong He*. Microstructure, mechanical and adhesive properties of CrN/CrTiAlSiN/WCrTiAlN multilayer coatings deposited on nitrided AISI 4140 steel, Materials Characterization 147 (2019) 353–364.
14)Li Y, Zhang S Z, Qiu J X , et al. Effect of Electric Potentials on Microstructure, Corrosion and Wear Characteristic of the Nitrided Layer Prepared on 2Cr13 Stainless Steel by Plasma Nitriding. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 32 (2019) 733–745
15)Li Y*, Ye Q.W, Zhang S. Z.*, He Y.Y. et al. Microstructure, adhesion and tribological properties of CrN/CrTiAlSiN/WCrTiAlN multilayer coatings deposited on nitrocarburized AISI 4140 steel, Surface & Coatings Technology 362 (2019) 27-34.
16)Li Y.*, He Y.Y.*, Zhang S.Z., et al. Plasma Nitriding of AISI 304 Stainless Steel in Cathodic and Floating Electric Potential: Influence on Morphology, Chemical Characteristics and Tribological Behavior. Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance, 2018, 27(3):948-960.
17)Yang Li*, Yongyong He, Jianxun Qiu, Enhancement of Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel Through Deposition of Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Oxy-nitrided Phases by Active Screen Plasma Treatment, Materials Research. 2018; 21(6): e20170697
18)Yang Li, Yijie Zhu, Qianwen Ye, Zhang Shangzhou, Yongyong He. Effect of hybrid surface treatment composed of plasma nitriding and W-Cr-Ti-Al-N coating on tribological behavior of AISI 316L steel, Tribology Online. 2018, 13(6):316-319.
19)Li Y.*, He Y.Y.*, Zhang S.Z., et al. Microstructure and corrosion resistance of nitrogen-rich surface layers on AISI 304 stainless steel by rapid nitriding in a hollow cathode discharge. Applied Physics A, 2018, 124(1):65-74.
20)Li Y.*, He Y.Y.*, Xiu J.J., et al. Wear and corrosion properties of AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel treated by active screen plasma nitriding. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 329: 184–192.
21)Li Y.*, He Y.Y.*, Zhang S.Z., et al. Microstructures and tribological behaviour of oxynitrided austenitic stainless steel. Vacuum, 2017, 146:1-7.
22)李杨,叶倩文等,一种超硬W-Cr-Al-Ti-N纳米梯度多层膜及其制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 201811078099.1
23)李杨,何霞文等,Cr/CrN/CrAlSiN/CrAlTiSiN纳米多层梯度膜及其制备方法。授权专利号:ZL 201811137034.X
24)何永勇,李杨等,一种金属材料表面渗氮沉积复合减摩耐磨改性层制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 201711051778.5
26)何永勇,李杨,Ti/TiN/TiAlSiN/TiAlTiSiN纳米多层梯度膜及其制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 201811136994.4

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