
College of nuclear equipment and nuclear engineering

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    姓名   马兆祥     
  • 职称学位:讲师、博士

  • 电子邮件:17801036337@163.com

  • 通讯地址:jbo竞博·电竞综合楼606 邮编 264005


2015.09-2021.06 北京科技大学,材料科学与工程,博士;

2010.09-2014.06 jbo竟博官网,金属材料工程,学士;


2021.12-至今 jbo竟博官网,jbo竞博·电竞,讲师 






[1] Z. Ma, L. Chen, Z. Liu, Y. Wang, K. Zhu, Y. Su, Scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy study on the behavior of hydrogen transport by mobile dislocations in single crystal nickel, Corrosion Science 213 (2023) 110973. (独立一作; SCI 大类一区 top; IF:7.72).
[2] Z. Ma, X. Xiong, Y. Su, Study on hydrogen segregation at individual grain boundaries in pure nickel by scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy, Materials Letters 303 (2021) 130528. (独立一作; SCI 大类三区; IF:3.42).
[3] Z. Ma, X. Xiong, L. Chen, Y. Su, Quantitative calibration of the relationship between Volta potential measured by scanning Kelvin probe force microscope (SKPFM) and hydrogen concentration, Electrochimica Acta 366 (2021) 137422. (独立一作; SCI 大类二区 top; IF:6.9).
[4] Z.X. Ma, X.L. Xiong, L.N. Zhang, Z.H. Zhang, Y. Yan, Y.J. Su, Experimental study on the diffusion of hydrogen along individual grain boundaries in nickel, Electrochemistry Communications 92 (2018) 24-28. (独立一作; SCI 大类二区; IF:4.19).
[5] B. Zhang, Q. Zhu, C. Xu, C. Li, Y. Ma, Z. Ma, S. Liu, R. Shao, Y. Xu, B. Jiang, L. Gao, X. Pang, Y. He, G. Chen, L. Qiao, Atomic-scale insights on hydrogen trapping and exclusion at incoherent interfaces of nanoprecipitates in martensitic steels, Nature Communications 13(1) (2022) 3858. (合作; SCI 大类一区 top; IF:17.69).
[6] L. Chen, Z. Ma, R. Shi, Y. Su, L. Qiao, L. Wang, Comprehensive effect of hydrostatic compressive stress in retained austenite on mechanical properties and hydrogen embrittlement of martensitic steels, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45(41) (2020) 22102-22112. (合作; SCI 大类二区 top; IF:5.8).

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