
College of nuclear equipment and nuclear engineering

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    姓名   赵彦云     
  • 职称学位: 副教授(学科带头人)、博士

  • 电子邮件:zhaoyanyun@ytu.edu.cn

  • 通讯地址:jbo竞博·电竞 邮编 264005


2010.09-2015.06 中国科学技术大学,核能科学与工程,博士
2006.09-2010.06 兰州大学,应用物理,学士


2021.06-至今 jbo竟博官网,jbo竞博·电竞,副教授
2021.03-2021.06 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院,核能安全技术研究所,副研究员
2018.03-2021.03 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院,核能安全技术研究所,项目副研究员
2015.07-2018.03 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院,核能安全技术研究所,助理研究员




1.jbo竟博官网学科带头人, 2021.06-2026.06,60万,主持
4.国家磁约束核聚变能发展研究专项:ODS低活化钢高效制备关键技术, 2018YFE0306102, 2018.11.30-2023.12.30,课题经费1092万元,主要技术骨干


1. Y Zhao, H Cao, S Liu, The dislocation-based fatigue deformation mechanism of a RAFM steel under multi-axial loadings, J. Nucl. Mater., 558(2022) 153324.
2. Y Zhao, M Liang, Z Zhang, et al. Fracture toughness and fracture behavior of CLAM steel in the temperature range of 450°C-550°C. J. Nucl. Mater., 501(2018)200-207.
3. Y Zhao, S Liu, J Shi, et al. Experimental and numerical simulation analysis on creep crack growth behavior of CLAM steel. Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 735(2018)260-268.
4. Y Zhao, C Li, B Huang, et al. Verification of the effect of surface preparation on Hot Isostatic Pressing diffusion bonding joints of CLAM steel. J. Nucl. Mater., 455 (2014)486-490.
5. Y Zhao, X Zhai, S Liu. Low cycle fatigue properties of CLAM steel at 450°C and 550°C. Fusion Eng. Des., 112(2016)213-217.
6. Y Zhao, X Zhai, S Liu, et al. High cycle fatigue properties of CLAM steel at 723K and 823K. Fusion Eng. Des. 100(2015)608-613.
7. Y Zhao, S Liu, C Li, Study on the Creep and Fatigue Properties of CLAM Steel. Advances in Science and Technology 94(2014)12-16.
8. Xu Zhang, H Cao, X Yang, Y Zhao*, et al. Enhanced thermal stability of the cellular structure through nano-scale oxide precipitation in 3D printed 316L stainless steel. Fusion Eng. Des. 164 (2021)112213.
9. M Liang,S Liu*, L Song, Y Zhao*, et al. Effect of simulated stress-relieving heat treatment on microstructure and tensile properties of CLAM steel. Fusion Eng. Des. 148(2019)111287.
10. M Liang, Y Zhao *, M Zheng*, et al. Effect of tempering time on fatigue crack growth behavior of CLAM steel. J. Nucl. Mater. 510(2018)437-445.
11. L Song, X Yang, Y Zhao, et al. Si-containing 9Cr ODS steel designed for high temperature application in lead-cooled fast reactor, J. Nucl. Mater. 519(2019)22-29.
12. K Cui, Y Zhao, Y Zhai, et al. Low cycle fatigue behavior of electron beam welded joint of CLAM steel at room temperature. Fusion Eng. Des.149(2019)111297.
13. X Zhai, S Liu, Y Zhao, et al. Effect of Tantalum content on the low cycle fatigue properties of CLAM steel at 823 K. Fusion Eng. Des. 114(2017)211-218.
14. X Zhai, S Liu, Y Zhao, Effect of Tantalum content on microstructure and tensile properties of CLAM steel, Fusion Eng. Des. 104(2016)21-27.
15. K Wang, S Liu, X Zhai, Y. Zhao, et al. Effect of tantalum content on creep properties of CLAM steel. J. Fusion Energ. 35(2016)193-198.
16. B Zhong, B Huang, C Li, Y Zhao, et al. Creep deformation and rupture behavior of CLAM steel at 823 K and 873 K. J. Nucl. Mater. 455(2014)640-644.
17. 赵彦云,黄群英,刘少军,毛小东,黄波,一种纳米析出相强化的抗辐照低活化钢的制备方法,中国, CN109594009A.
18. 赵彦云,毛小东,宋亮亮,刘少军,黄群英,一种前驱粉诱导形核通过薄带连铸工艺制备氧化物弥散强化钢的方法,中国, CN111014602A.
19. 毛小东,赵彦云,宋亮亮,刘少军,黄群英,吴宜灿,一种熔体中合金粉体快速均匀分散控制方法,中国, CN110181009A.
20. 毛小东,赵彦云,宋亮亮,刘少军,黄群英,一种用于纳米氧化物弥散强化钢的氧过饱和前驱粉的制备方法,中国, CN111036895A.
21. 毛小东,赵彦云,宋亮亮,刘少军,黄群英,一种提高合金中固溶氧含量的方法,中国,CN111041381A.


赵彦云(5/9), 中国抗中子辐照钢研制,安徽省科技进步奖,一等奖,2018.

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